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Convite para Talk - Flutrack.org: Crowdsourcing Status-Updates in Public Health

Convite para Talk - Flutrack.org: Crowdsourcing Status-Updates in Public Health

por M-ITI Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute -
Número de respostas: 0


O M-ITI convida-vos a participar na Talk Flutrack.org: Crowdsourcing Status-Updates in Public Health a realizar-se na próxima semana, dia 11 de Dezembro pelas 16:00h. 


Rapidly recognising and responding to contagious outbreaks and emerging diseases are public health priorities and might be facilitated by monitoring status updates in social media. Existing systems have emphasised natural language processing or public accessibility to analytics, but they have neglected a modular and interoperable design that integrates high-resolution geo-location, with real-time data. As a remedy, we have built an open-source project and we have been operating an open system that detects flu-related symptoms and shares the data in real-time with anyone who wants to built upon this service.

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An analysis of a small number of precisely geo-located status updates (e.g., Twitter) correlates closely with CDC flu-positive reports. We suggest that public health information systems should embrace an open source approach and offer linked data, in order to facilitate the development of an ecosystem of applications and services, and in order to be transparent to the general public.

Flutrack.org: We present an open-source project that detects geo-located flu-related symptoms and shares the data in real-time with anyone who wants to built upon this system.

Konstantinos Chorianopoulos is an interaction designer, researcher, and teacher. He holds a Diploma in Engineering (Electronics and Computer Engineering, 1999) an MSc in Social Science (Marketing and Communication, 2001), and a Ph.D. in Design (Interaction Design, 2004). He has also been a post-doctoral Marie Curie Fellow from 2006 to 2011. During his studies and research, he has been affiliated with engineering, business, and applied arts university departments and he has collaborated with more than fifty researchers from academia and industry (Imperial College London UK, Microsoft Research USA, Yahoo Labs USA, University of Sao Paulo Brazil, Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway, Bauhaus University of Weimar Germany). He has participated in six EC-funded (ESPRIT, IST, FP6, FP7) research projects in the field of human-computer interaction for information, communication and entertainment applications in TV, mobile, and ubiquitous computing. He is the main author of more than fifty peer-reviewed research articles and he has been lecturing internationally (universities, conferences, tutorials, seminars, invited lectures) on several aspects (design, engineering, science, art) of informatics. He is serving on the steering committee of the ACM TVX (formerly known as European Interactive TV organization) and on the editorial boards of the following journals: Computers in Entertainment (ACM), Entertainment Computing (Elsevier), Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting.

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