Talk no M-ITI com Prof. Prof. Carlos Travieso-González

Talk no M-ITI com Prof. Prof. Carlos Travieso-González

by M-ITI Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute -
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Amanhã dia 21 de Outubro às 10h teremos no M-ITI o Prof. Carlos Travieso-González que irá fazer uma apresentação com o título:

Research on Bioapplications and Renewable Energy in Instituto para el Desarrollo Tecnológico y la Innovación en Comunicaciones IDeTIC-Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

A Talk será na Classroom do M-ITI.

Short CV:

Carlos M. Travieso-González received the M.Sc. degree in 1997 in Telecommunication Engineering at Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain; and Ph.D. degree in 2002 at University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC-Spain). He is an Associate Professor from 2001 in ULPGC, teaching subjects on signal processing and learning theory. His research lines are biometrics, biomedical approaches, data mining, machine learning, signal/image/video/sensor processing, prediction system, biodiversity conservation applications and environmental intelligence. He has researched in more than 33 International and Spanish Research Projects, some of them as head researcher. He is co-author of 2 books, co-editor of 8 Proceedings Book, Guest Editor for two international journals and up to 15 book chapters. He has over 210 papers published in international journals and conferences. He has been reviewer in different international journals and conferences since 2001. He is member of IASTED Technical Committee on Image Processing from 2007 and member of IASTED Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems from 2011. He will be General Chair on and InnoEducaTIC 2014, and was General Chair on IEEE-IWOBI 2014, IEEE-INES 2013, JRBP 2012, NoLISP 2011, and Co-Chair on IEEE-ICCST 2005. He was Vice-Dean from 2004 to 2010 in Higher Technical School of Telecommunication Engineers in ULPGC. Nowadays, he is a Vice-Dean of Head of Graduate and Postgraduate Studies from March 2013.

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