DEI info
DEI - Doutoramento em Engenharia Informática - Doctorate Degree in Informatics Engineering
If you have questions that are not answered in this page, please get in contact with the PhD Program Coordinator
Eduardo Fermé
Faculty of Exact Sciences and Engineering
University of Madeira
Official sources
PhD Program documentation
The “PhD Program” refers to these two legal documents (accessible only in Portuguese as scanned images):
- Regulamento específico do ciclo de estudos conducente ao grau de doutor em Engenharia Informática〈=pt
- Regulamento dos Cursos de 3º Ciclo de Estudos - 2011/2012〈=pt
Many of the regulations of the PhD Program are general qualitative guidelines that need to be turned into specific requirements by the PhD supervisor, who will take into consideration the specifics of the student’s research topic and academic domain.
CAT exam
In order to do the CAT exam, you must to enrol in the curricular unit Research Planning (Planeamento e Desenvolvimento da Investigação).
The CAT exam consists of two components: a document describing the student's proposed research with experimental plan and an oral defence of the document. The written document consists of a proposal that includes the specific aims of the student's proposed research, the scientific background and significance of the proposed study, a summary of preliminary results, a detailed description of the experiments planned together with their rationale and expected outcomes, and a list of all references cited in the text.
- Link to the template of the PhD Proposal document
- Link to the evaluation guidelines for the CAT evaluation committee