Emotion Regulation Assessment via multi-biosignal processing in a VR environment for neurorehabilitation – Closed-Loop Adaptive System

Emotion Regulation Assessment via multi-biosignal processing in a VR environment for neurorehabilitation – Closed-Loop Adaptive System

by Sergi Bermudez i Badia -
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No âmbito do Doutoramento en Engenharia Informática, o investigador Rodrigo Lima, está a realizar um estudo denominado de " Emotion Regulation Assessment via multi-biosignal processing in a VR environment for neurorehabilitation – Closed-Loop Adaptive System".

O estudo tem um duração aproximada de 1 hora e realiza-se no NeuroRehabLab (Tecnopolo, Piso -2, Sala 7). Os únicos critérios de exclusão são: Ter epilepsiasintomatologia depressiva (diagnosticada clinicamente) e Daltonismo.
Caso pretenda participar, selecione a hora que mais lhe convém no seguinte calendário:

Mais datas irão ficar disponíveis com o passar do tempo.
Em caso de dúvidas por favor entre em contacto por email: rodrigo.lima@arditi.pt
Muito Obrigado pela atenção.
In the scope of a PhD program in Informatics Engineering, the researcher Rodrigo Lima is performing a study with the title " Emotion Regulation Assessment via multi-biosignal processing in a VR environment for neurorehabilitation – Closed-Loop Adaptive System".
The study will have an approximate duration of 1 hour and will be performed at NeuroRehabLab (Tecnopolo, Floor -2, Room 7). The only exclusion criteria are: Have EpilepsyDepressive Symptomatology (clinically diagnosed) and be Color Blind.
If you want to participate, please select the most suitable time for you in the following calendar: 
More dates will be available as time goes by.
If you have any doubts, please contact me by email: rodrigo.lima@arditi.pt
Thank you for your attention.