Civil Engineering AIS 5th and 6th seminars - Prof. James Garrett and Lucio Soibelman

Civil Engineering AIS 5th and 6th seminars - Prof. James Garrett and Lucio Soibelman

by Paulo França -
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Dear all,

just a quick reminder that the next two AIS seminars will be provided on the same day, from 6 to 8 p.m. on 18th May in Anfiteatro 2.

Professors James Garrett and Lucio Soibelman from CEE Dept. at CMU will give a talk (this is not a Video-Conference seminar!) each. This is a great opportunity that you have to meet two faculties from one of the best USA universities. Attached you can find the two abstracts and a short biography.

Please try to be there on time to avoid noisy interruptions after the seminar has already commenced, as happened the last time.

We also remind you that these seminars are mandatory within the 8 seminars that you may choose to assist.

See you all there!

Best regards

Paulo França and Barbara Pizzileo