Civil Engineering AIS 7th and 8th seminars - Prof. James Garrett and Lucio Soibelman

Civil Engineering AIS 7th and 8th seminars - Prof. James Garrett and Lucio Soibelman

by Paulo França -
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Dear all,

just a quick reminder that the next two AIS seminars will be provided on the same day, from 6 to 8 p.m. on 19th May in Senado room.

Again, professors James Garrett and Lucio Soibelman from CEE Dept. at CMU will give a talk each. Attached you can find the two abstracts and a short biography.

We also remind you that these seminars are mandatory within the 8 seminars that you may choose to assist.

I hope to see you all there!

Best regards,

Paulo França and Barbara Pizzileo