A ARDITI abre concurso para atribuição de 1 (uma) bolsa de investigação para licenciado/a, no âmbito do Projeto MACBIOIDI2 (MAC14-20), nos seguintes termos:
A call is open for 1 (one) researcher at the NeuroRehabLab - ARDITI (Funchal, Portugal), under the Project MACbioIDi2 - Contribuyendo a la cohesión e internacionalización de la Macaronesia para impulsarlos Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible con las TICs y la I+D+i biomédica (MAC2/1.1b/352), under the following conditions:
Cargo/posição/bolsa: Bolsa de Investigação para aluno/a de mestrado;
Referência: ARDITI-MACBIOIDI2-2022-005;
Área científica genérica: project management, communications, design
Job Description:
The ideal candidate would be a student in design, project management, communications, or a closely related discipline with experience in collaborative and interdisciplinary research.
Applicants should fulfill the following requirements:
- Bachelor's degree in design, project management, communications, or other relevant disciplines for the project;
- The candidate must be enrolled in an academic degree course or a non-degree program.
- Previous experience in Design, Public Relations, or management of projects
- Strong oral and written English communication skills, people skills, the ability to work independently as well as a team member of the NeuroRehabLab (http://neurorehabilitation.m-iti.org/lab/) and taking the initiative and being proactive;
Mais informação sobre candidaturas neste link: https://www.arditi.pt/pt/concursos-arquive/bolsa-de-investigacao-arditi-macbioidi2-2022-005.html