

by José Nelson Teixeira Vasconcelos -
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Multimedia and Virtual Reality Medical Informatics System in Healthcare and Rehabilitation

Data e Horário: 21/01/08 (Segunda-Feira) – 14hs30 Duração da Palestra: 90 minutos

Local: Anfiteatro 5

Dr. Cecília Sik Lányi, PhD

Faculty of Information Technology,

University of Pannonia

Virtual Environments and Imaging Technologies Laboratory

H-8200 Veszprém, Egyetem u. 10., Hungary

Abstract. In our modern 21st century, daily life would be unthinkable without computers. Multimedia and Virtual Reality are useful for people with special needs. This lecture presents a general overview of the use of Multimedia and Virtual Reality in medical informatics, rehabilitation and assistive & preventive healthcare. The lecture deals with Multimedia and Virtual Reality applications intended for use by medical doctors, nurses and other interested persons. It describes ways in which Multimedia and Virtual Reality can assist in their work. These include the areas of diagnosis and the application to training. Matters that are important to patients are also dealt with. Some of these are how Multimedia and Virtual Reality can help their rehabilitation. At the end of the presentation the audience can see another interesting area of Virtual Reality: What Kinds of Colors are used in the Virtual Reality Games?

Short-Bio -

Cecília Sik Lányi is an associate professor in University of Pannonia (Veszprem, Hungary). Her background is Mathematics and Computer Science. Her research area is Multimedia and Virtual Reality in education and rehabilitation, Design for all and Human Computer Interaction. More than 40 rehabilitation software were developed under her supervision during the last 15 years.

She was the supervisor of MSc thesis works of over 70 students and of about 60 academic youth competition thesis during the last 10 years.

One of her students received the “Pro Scienca” gold medal in 2003.

She got the “Master teacher” award of the Hungarian Ministry of Education in 2001.

She is also known for her pioneering work on VR in Hungary. She has 5 book chapters, 28 journal articles and 86 international conference proceedings publications.

She is a member of the E uropean D esign for all e-A ccessibility N etwork (EDeAN), and head of the Hungarian National Contact Centre. She had/has several international projects.