Classes starting - September 3rd (MEI, MHCI and MET programs)

Classes starting - September 3rd (MEI, MHCI and MET programs)

por M-ITI Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute -
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Hi all!

Classes for Mestrado em Engenharia Informática (MEI), Masters of Entertainment Technologies (MET) and Professional Masters in Human Computer Interaction (MHCI) start this Monday, September 3rd, according to M-ITI academic calendar, approved by M-ITI Scientific Council in June 2012 (calendar is available in M-ITI's website -> check the link on the top of the page).
However, there's a few MEI classes that will follow UMa's academic calendar and will start a few weeks later (on September 17th).

You can check the schedule for all classes in UMa's website, option 'Horários' on the right menu and follow this steps:
- Select '2012/13 - 1º semestre' on 'Período' field
- On 'Tipo de Curso' field select '2º ciclo' for MEI, 'Diploma de Estudos Avançados' for MHCI and MET programs
- on 'Turma' field select:
-> 'TA (1º ano) M. Eng. Inf. - 2º ciclo' for MEI 1st year
-> 'TA (2º ano) M. Eng. Inf. - 2º ciclo' for MEI 2nd year
-> 'TA (2º ano) Tecnologias do Entretenimento - Diploma de Estudos Avançados' for MET
-> 'TA (2º ano) Prof. Mast. HCI - Diploma de Estudos Avançados' for MHCI
Or you can login in Infoalunos and open 'My schedule', on the top right of the page and it will show the schedule for the class where you are enrol in.

The schedules are update with classes that will follow M-ITI's academic calendar (starting on September 3rd) and classes that will follow UMa's academic calendar (starting on September 17th).

Wish you all a great semester! Enjoy your classes!

Let me know if you have any question.


Dulce Pacheco
Coordenadora Académica e de Marketing | Academic and Marketing Coordinator

Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
Polo Científico e Tecnológico da Madeira
Caminho da Penteada
9020-105 Funchal

Phone: +351 291 721 004
Fax: +351 291 720 010
Skype: dulce-pacheco