Convite para Talk: A Brief Introduction of life cycle assessment

Convite para Talk: A Brief Introduction of life cycle assessment

by M-ITI Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute -
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O M-ITI e o Prof. Morgado Dias gostariam de convidar-vos para uma Talk a acontecer amanhã dia 23 de Junho às 14:30 na Classroom
Em baixo, podem encontrar mais informação sobre o evento.
Título: A Brief Introduction of life cycle assessment
Abstract: Environmental life cycle assessment is a technique to assess a product’s environmental impacts over its life time. The method can help to make a better decision through a better understanding of environmental impacts. In this presentation, a brief introduction of life cycle assessment will be given with examples. Audience will be able to know basics about life cycle assessment and apply the concept to their own research.
Julie Chen is PhD candidate from Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Carnegie Mellon University. Julie got her Master of Science degree from Carnegie Mellon University and her Bachelor of Science degree from Harbin Institute of Technology in China. Her current research is the uncertainty estimation of environmental life cycle assessment.
Contamos convosco!