Games4Health Madeira Workshop

Games4Health Madeira Workshop

by Eduardo Marques -
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Are you up to the challenge? Join us at Games 4 Health workshop on the 27th November.

More information and registration here:

The goal of the workshop is to explore the domain of health related games via ideating and hacking a game related to health and well-being, and to introduce the Games 4 Health Challenge 2016 that takes place in March 2016.

Participants will be given a quick introduction to the domain via short presentations and tutorials and then spend the rest of the day hacking a game which will be presented and evaluated at the end of the workshop.

Students will learn to develop simple games using the Unity game engine and will have the chance to work and experiment with novel interface devices.


9:00 – 9:15: Introduction to the G4H challenge

9:15 – 9:30: Showcase of HW available for the workshop

9:30 – 10:00: Reh@Panel tutorial – Is a software tool that acts as a device router, bridging a large number of tracking devices and other hardware for people to interact with virtual environments. Reh@Panel implements communication protocols in a client/server architecture and provides native device support for multiple hardware devices and software protocols.

10:00 – 10:30: Building your first ExerGame! tutorial – Using the Unity game engine, we will have a guided tutorial to demonstrate how you can develop your first ExerGame interfacing advanced HW through the Reh@Panel. At the end of the tutorial, students will have produced a working pong game using Kinect 2.

10:30 – 11:00: Team formation - Break with food and drinks.

11:00 – 18:00: Hack your game! – Food and drinks will always be available.

18:00 – 19:00: Game showcase – Each team/individual will explain and demonstrate the produced game during the workshop.

19:00: Workshop Closure – Games 4 Health Workshop challenge winner