Open call for PhD programs in Digital Media (PDMD) and Networked Cyber Physical Systems (NETSyS)

Open call for PhD programs in Digital Media (PDMD) and Networked Cyber Physical Systems (NETSyS)

by M-ITI Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute -
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Applications for the PhD in Digital Media (PDMD) are now being accepted for the 2016/2017 academic year. Application deadlines:

University of Porto: August 8, 2016
New University of Lisbon: August 25, 2016

The applications for the PhD in Networked Cyber Physical Systems (NETSyS) will open in June 2016 for a period of roughly two weeks.

Interested applicants should contact us as soon as possible to help describe the process and guide their application. More information on our website , or contact us by or telephone (351) 291 721 006.