Palestra - The tree-like structure of networks

Palestra - The tree-like structure of networks

by Leonel Nóbrega -
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Sexta-Feira, 28 de Dezembro de 2007, às 10h30m na sala do CCM (Piso -2) irá ocorrer uma palestra com Prof. Jan Arne Telle (Univ. de Bergen, Noruega) com o título "The tree-like structure of networks".

Abstract: Treewidth is a graph parameter that measures how tree-like an unidrected graph is. In this informal talk we will start by giving an introduction to treewidth. For example, the treewidth of a tree is 1 and any control-flow graph of a structured program has treewidth at most 6 (for Pascal its treewidth is 2). We will then talk about a generalization of treewidth to directed graphs, called Kelly-width, that may be of interest also in analyzing the structure of social networks.